We on da run (60 Second)

Album: Energetic Bass

We on da run
Title We on da run
Filename SPRE017_55_We on da run_60 Second
Description 60 Second version. Bouncy and banging dirty drumstep with frenetic synths and vocoder voice.
ComposerVince Peersman (OSA) 50% [819684790]Zumber Alili (OSA) 50% [810071982]
PublisherStudio Fontana spol.s.r.o. (OSA) 100% [499274692]
ISRC CZD521841755

Alternate versions

Bouncy and banging dirty drumstep with frenetic synths and vocoder voice.
30 Second version. Bouncy and banging dirty drumstep with frenetic synths and vocoder voice.
15 Second version. Bouncy and banging dirty drumstep with frenetic synths and vocoder voice.
10 Second version. Bouncy and banging dirty drumstep with frenetic synths and vocoder voice.
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