Quietude (Full)

Album: Magic and Mayhem

Title Quietude
Filename SS009_08_Quietude_Full
Description A serene, slow orchestral piece featuring piano in the front. Piano, doubled by glock, plays a peaceful, magical melody over a string bed with woodwinds slowly adding. A built up main theme returns at 1:17 with added choir, percussion and brass. Version - Full Mix
ComposerJeremy Sweet (BMI) 100% [239146856]
PublisherScoring Stage Music (BMI) 100% [501243510]
ISRC QM2ZU1671317
BPM 86

Alternate versions

A serene, slow orchestral piece featuring piano in the front. Piano, doubled by glock, plays a peaceful, magical melody over a string bed with woodwinds slowly adding. A built up main theme returns at 1:17 with added choir, percussion and brass. Version - 60 Second
A serene, slow orchestral piece featuring piano in the front. Piano, doubled by glock, plays a peaceful, magical melody over a string bed with woodwinds slowly adding. A built up main theme returns at 1:17 with added choir, percussion and brass. Version - 30 Second
A serene, slow orchestral piece featuring piano in the front. Piano, doubled by glock, plays a peaceful, magical melody over a string bed with woodwinds slowly adding. A built up main theme returns at 1:17 with added choir, percussion and brass. Version - No Bell Percussion
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