Growing Up (Full)

Album: Australiana

Growing Up
Title Growing Up
Filename OIL006_15_Growing Up_Full
Description The elements of this folksy-polka jump around and bounce happily off each other. Sounds come together joyfully, skipping like children who understand they have to grow up eventually but not just yet. Light-hearted and playful, the tune elicits visions of a barn dance, arms locked, a room full of laughter and celebration. It's about love and trust and growing old together. Folk - Acoustic. 120 BPM. Full.
ComposerBen Romalis (APRA) 100% [527959997]
PublisherGrey Area Sound (APRA) 100% [466755610]
ISRC AUGA11320096

Alternate versions

60 Second edit of OIL006 Trk15: The elements of this folksy-polka jump around and bounce happily off each other. Sounds come together joyfully, skipping like children who understand they have to grow up eventually but not just yet. Light-hearted and playful, the tune elicits visions of a barn dance, arms locked, a room full of laughter and celebration. It's about love and trust and growing old together. Folk - Acoustic. 120 BPM. 60 Second Edit.
30 Second edit of OIL006 Trk15: The elements of this folksy-polka jump around and bounce happily off each other. Sounds come together joyfully, skipping like children who understand they have to grow up eventually but not just yet. Light-hearted and playful, the tune elicits visions of a barn dance, arms locked, a room full of laughter and celebration. It's about love and trust and growing old together. Folk - Acoustic. 120 BPM. 30 Second Edit.
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