Hyper Pulp (60 Second)

Album: Radical-Grunge

Hyper Pulp
Title Hyper Pulp
Filename MMP020_55_Hyper Pulp_60 Second
Description Surf turns heavy and exotic over throbbing kinetic rhythm section.
ComposerRick DiFonzo (ASCAP) 100% [272394552]
PublisherBackspin Music (ASCAP) 100% [337804847]
ISRC QM2ZU1656445
BPM 90

Alternate versions

Surf turns heavy and exotic over throbbing kinetic rhythm section.
Surf turns heavy and exotic over throbbing kinetic rhythm section.
Surf turns heavy and exotic over throbbing kinetic rhythm section.
Surf turns heavy and exotic over throbbing kinetic rhythm section.
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