Blastoff (Inst)

Album: Monster Beat Anthems

Title Blastoff
Filename GA039_26_Blastoff_Inst
Description Muffled piano starts soft and gradually builds with steady happy claps and a driving, pounding beat. Guitar melody floats over a deep rich bass. Pauses completely and then jumps to full force. Energetic ambient anthem vocals. Breaks down to a distant heartbeat like drum. Claps and crashing beats finish the tune energetically.
ComposerZach Ziskin (BMI) 100% [240707494]
PublisherGroove Addicts International Music Publishing (BMI) 100% [609158051]
ISRC QM2ZU1622637

Alternate versions

Muffled piano starts soft and gradually builds with steady happy claps and a driving, pounding beat. Guitar melody floats over a deep rich bass. Pauses completely and then jumps to full force. Energetic ambient anthem vocals. Breaks down to a distant heartbeat like drum. Claps and crashing beats finish the tune energetically.
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