When Does It End (60 Second)

Album: Scores From The Underworld

When Does It End
Title When Does It End
Filename GA019_71_When Does It End_60 Second
Description Drama - Orchestral - Rock. Sorrowful piano and string lines show some sign of hope in their tears. 60 Second 60 Second.
ComposerOmar Fadel (BMI) 100% [199344524]
PublisherGroove Addicts International Music Publishing (BMI) 100% [609158051]
ISRC QM2ZU1622311
BPM 92

Alternate versions

Drama - Orchestral - Rock. Sorrowful piano and string lines show some sign of hope in their tears. Full Mix Full Mix.
Drama - Orchestral - Rock. Sorrowful piano and string lines show some sign of hope in their tears. 30 Second 30 Second.
Drama - Orchestral - Rock. Sorrowful piano and string lines show some sign of hope in their tears. Narration Narration.
Drama - Orchestral - Rock. Sorrowful piano and string lines show some sign of hope in their tears. 60 Second Narration 60 Second Narration.
Drama - Orchestral - Rock. Sorrowful piano and string lines show some sign of hope in their tears. 30 Second Narration 30 Second Narration.
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