Bloodshot Blues (Full Mix)

Album: Swingset - That Swing Thang

Bloodshot Blues
Title Bloodshot Blues
Filename GV1010_03_Bloodshot Blues_Full Mix
Description Jazz - Swing. Big, greasy, and dumb as hell. Some pseudo Hawaiian guitar thrown in for no good reason other than it sounded cool. Full Mix.
ComposerPhil Madeira (ASCAP) 34%Eliot Pulse (ASCAP) 33%Mark Robertson (ASCAP) 33%
PublisherGroove Addicts Outrageous Music Publishing (ASCAP) 100% [608866906]
ISRC QM2ZU1616418
BPM 84

Alternate versions

Jazz - Swing. Big, greasy, and dumb as hell. Some pseudo Hawaiian guitar thrown in for no good reason other than it sounded cool. 60 Second Mix.
Jazz - Swing. Big, greasy, and dumb as hell. Some pseudo Hawaiian guitar thrown in for no good reason other than it sounded cool. 30 Second Mix.
Jazz - Swing. Big, greasy, and dumb as hell. Some pseudo Hawaiian guitar thrown in for no good reason other than it sounded cool. Narration.
Jazz - Swing. Big, greasy, and dumb as hell. Some pseudo Hawaiian guitar thrown in for no good reason other than it sounded cool. 60 Second.
Jazz - Swing. Big, greasy, and dumb as hell. Some pseudo Hawaiian guitar thrown in for no good reason other than it sounded cool. 30 Second.
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