Devil Crush (Full Mix)

Album: Devil's Drum

Devil Crush
Title Devil Crush
Filename GOB024_02_Devil Crush_Full Mix
Description The devil is right on your heels. Warping pings pierce through a frantic rush of rising alarms, heavy braams, and punishing percussion. POI @ 0:16 First airy whoosh. Drums begin to emerge from the texture. POI @ 0:23 Blaring alarms and deep braams punctuate a steady riser. POI @ 0:37 Massive impacts lead into steady percussion groove. POI @ 0:54 Smooth riser and downer, punctuated by percussive hits. POI @ 1:06 Texture builds to a surprise digital FX glitch. POI @ 1:20 Pounding push to the finish. POI @ 1:33 final impact.
ComposerCiocan Flaviu loan (BMI) 50% [841135268]Horvath Marton (BMI) 50% [731558932]
PublisherGlory Oath and Blood Music (BMI) 50% [560321878]Groove Addicts International Music Publishing (BMI) 50% [609158051]
ISRC QM2ZU1903494

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