Hle, Hle Tamhle V Betleme (30 Second)

Album: Commercial Cuts Vol. 11

Hle, Hle Tamhle V Betleme
Title Hle, Hle Tamhle V Betleme
Filename FN098_64_Hle, Hle Tamhle V Betleme_30 Second
Description Specialty - Commercial. Upbeat pop during the holidays. Shopping in the mall during Christmas. Version: 30 Second
ComposerMilan Kazecky (BMI) 100% [282051879]
PublisherZdenek Nedved - Studio Fontana (OSA) 100% [233499652]
ISRC CZA610009864

Alternate versions

Specialty - Commercial. Upbeat pop during the holidays. Shopping in the mall during Christmas. Version: Full Mix 60 Second
Specialty - Commercial. Upbeat pop during the holidays. Shopping in the mall during Christmas. Version: 20 Second
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