Bossa on the Beach (Sting)

Album: By the Sea

Bossa on the Beach
Title Bossa on the Beach
Filename CUTE132_43_Bossa on the Beach_Sting
Description A fun bossa nova track in a tropical beach style. Children - Holiday. 90 BPM. Sting.
ComposerCathy Clinton (SAMRO) 100% [509735340]
PublisherCute Music Publishing (SAMRO) 100% [624529056]
ISRC ZA-GG9-09-02104
BPM 90

Alternate versions

A fun bossa nova track in a tropical beach style. Children - Holiday. 90 BPM. Full Mix.
A fun bossa nova track in a tropical beach style. Children - Holiday. 90 BPM. Underscore.
A fun bossa nova track in a tropical beach style. Children - Holiday. 90 BPM. 30 Second.
A fun bossa nova track in a tropical beach style. Children - Holiday. 90 BPM. 30 Second Alt.
A fun bossa nova track in a tropical beach style. Children - Holiday. 90 BPM. Sting Alt.
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