Up the Clock (30 Sec)

Album: Bright & Breezy

Up the Clock
Title Up the Clock
Filename CUTE130_40_Up the Clock_30 Sec
Description Comical plodding tuba melody over woodblock percussion. Based on a traditional melody. Children - Quirky. 105 BPM. 30 Second.
ComposerCathy Clinton (SAMRO) 100% [509735340]
PublisherCute Music Publishing (SAMRO) 100% [624529056]
ISRC ZA-GG9-09-01960

Alternate versions

Comical plodding tuba melody over woodblock percussion. Based on a traditional melody. Children - Quirky. 105 BPM. Full Mix.
Comical plodding tuba melody over woodblock percussion. Based on a traditional melody. Children - Quirky. 105 BPM. Sting.
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